Keys Boat Tours

Fish the FL Keys

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Recreational fishing is just that... When someone asks you what you’re fishing for, the answer is - a) snapper, b) jacks c) grouper d) to relax or e) all of the above. The goal is to fish and catch. We only hope that a) the fish are biting and b) you can bring them in the boat. If no signs of bite early in, we'll change locations - head to a grass channel or out the reef. Ultimate goal: good time fishing!

Fish The Florida Keys

This fishing trip is a 4 hour outing; just the right amount of time for many. We mainly do backcountry channel fishing. The ultimate goal is to stay in calm waters and have a good time catching fish. When conditions are right we also offer trolling for dolphinfish and tuna, and deep dropping for tile fish and grouper. We catch bait, and try a few different spots to bend the rod, and more times than not, bring home dinner. We also offer yellowtail fishing on the reef, and snapper and grouper fishing in patch reefs. It is your time in the beautiful Florida Keys. Enjoy it!


1/2 Day Inshore $650 Price for 1-4 people (Backcountry Fishing) 4+ hours
3/4 Day Inshore $850 Price for 1-4 people (Backcountry Fishing) 6+ hours
1/2 Day Offshore $850 Price for 1-4 people (Trolling / Deep drop) 4+ hours
3/4 Day Offshore $1050 Price for 1-4 people (Trolling / Deep drop) 6+ hours
Extra Time +$100 Per hour


Inshore Fishing
It could be out front on the ocean side, from the bridges to the reef. Or, further out for trolling and deep drop. Backcountry fishing on the Gulf side is always fun relaxing and productive. The conditions and time of year dictate our direction and target species. Out front, we will set up for yellowtail and otherwise drop a line or two on the outriggers for bottom fish. Further out requires more time 6 hours for a bit more. Then, we might come in closer for snapper and grouper. On the Gulf side, we will target mangrove snapper, grouper, and in winter months; mackerel, sea trout, and possibly cobia. Most all of our presentation is live bait and freeline, but we do bottom fish, and toss artificials out from time to time too.
Trolling and Deep Drop Fishing
Our boat is just 23' center console, so we choose weather selectively to go offshore, 10 to 20 miles and 200' to 1000' deep. Here we target dolphinfish and anything that might be tempted by ballyhoo or artificials (near weed lines or around birds). We also bring our deep drop rig along, an electric reel where we target tilefish, barrelfish, and grouper. It is exciting when the rod bends for sure. Until then, it is relaxing


  • Fishing Gear
  • FL Fishing License
  • Filleting Your Catch
  • Water & Gatorade
  • Life Jacket

Not Included

  • Lunch and snacks

Things you might want to bring along

Sunglasses, towel, hat, sunscreen, water bottle, wet shoes, neck gaiter, long sleeve shirt, wind breaker, bandana, dry bag, binoculars,  camera, snacks.


  • A signed release waiver, and cash or credit card payment is required prior to boarding.
  • Health: if you have any cold, flu or other worrisome symptoms, we ask that you please skip the outing. And please inform us of any medical conditions that you might have: diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, etc. We respect your privacy, but we need to know.
  • If prone to seasickness, we recommend that you take Dramamine (or other) as directed.
  • We want you to drink plenty of water, have something to eat, and use sunscreen liberally
  • We have a 48-hour cancellation policy, and the Captain reserves the right to cancel any trip due to weather and/or any other circumstances.


Blue Star Operator

Blue Star is a program established by Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary recognizing tour operators who are committed to promoting responsible and sustainable diving, snorkeling, and fishing practices to reduce the impact of these activities on ecosystems in the Florida Keys. Blue Star operators take the extra step to educate you to be better environmental stewards and to interact responsibly with natural resources in the Keys. Click here to learn more about the Blue Star Program




Florida Friendly Fishing Guide

The Florida Friendly Fishing Guide recognizes fishing guides who are committed to preserving the future of Florida’s fisheries through sustainable boating and fishing techniques, collectively called best management practices.





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